
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

1st chunk
summary of the article and rd lang
In the article,normal alienation from experience, the author argues that we are completely alienated from our own lives. Instead of paying attention to the important aspects of life and our own actual experience, we pay attention to which one of our favorite tv shows is on tonight or what pair of sneakers we might want to buy next. The author also argues that the human race has become so limited and only register to feelings such as fatigue, food, sex, defecation and sleep. By doing so we are all limiting ourselves to a "half-ass life" and by being so alienated, we are living ok lives compared to GREAT lives.
2nd chunk

In the article the author adresses the fact that people today are very limited. I beleive that this is true because people have adapted to the habit of connecting with other people before connecting with themselves. People strive to make other people think higher or greater of them even if dosnt necesarily make them happy. Having people worrying about what others are thinking of them is a bad habit to fall into because then you aren't living your life, you are living someone elses. In order to be happy and to live life to the fullest one will have to connect with themselves first and find out who they are as a person and what role they play in their community. One argument that i am remaining neutral about is the argument that being alienated is a bad thing. Of course it isnt good to be alienated, but i feel no matter how hard anyone tries, growing up in this world you are automatically alienated. I dont feel that anyone has had a choice to become alienated therefore it is normal...or alienated?

3rd chunk
embodyment,sensory awareness etc etc
What does it mean to be embodied? How does it feel? What does it look like? In class we did a sensory awareness lesson in which we were blindfolded, brought down 6 flights of stairs, and then told to make it back to our classroom and to be seated in our original seats. The lesson for one, made me feel very lucky and appreaciative of having the sense of sight. Not being able to see made everything much more difficult to process and convert. A simple task such as finding the stairway or taking the first step was alot harder without vision. I noticed however that when one sense is lacking, your other senses will pick up. While being blindfolded i used senses such as touch,sound, and speaking out loud to find my way back to the room. The sense touch helped me find the banister to the stairs which guided me up. I counted each landing which helped me determine what floor i was on. I used the sense of sound to hear who was around me, and spoke out loud to see if anyone there with sight could either supply guidance or keep me from running into something.
4th chunk
As a child i remember things going so much smoother in life compared to how it is now. As a child i didnt have a care in the world, and my purpose was to have as much fun as i possibly could. With imagination and other things i grew as a learner and as a person. During this semester we looked back on our childhoods and tried to bring back the flavor of what it was like. We watched videos such as carebears to remember what keeps young children entertained. By watching the care bear tape, i saw that the cartoon was completely about being happy, sharing, and loving. This shows how cartoons put kids in their own worlds and children let their imaginations take them wherever they please. Another experiment we conducted was to brainstorm games we all had taken part of as young children. Games such as duck, duck, goose were suggested and after our list was done we picked the 3 most popular. After picking these 3 games we went outside and actually played all 3 games. The fun was still there but i found that after a few rounds of red light green light, the kid games were no longer as much fun.
5th chunk
When doing our unit on dreams, we were told to keep a dream journal. We were constructed to write them down after we woke up which was sometimes difficult. I found that when i couldn't remember my dreams i felt as though i had had less sleep. When i did remember my dreams i found that i felt like i was asleep for a longer period of time. I found that when i remembered my dreams they usually consisted of something that i thought about before i fell asleep or something that had happened in the last couple of days. This might show how the human mind works when we are asleep and how even when we are not physically awake, our minds continue to work. One thing that i couldnt really understand about dreams was how come they feel so real? I have been awaken by a dream before when the dream was about me falling or about to get hurt. When i wake up it takes a few seconds for my mind and self to realize that it was just a dream and i can continue to go back to sleep.
6th chunk
During the thinking unit we were given some complicated puzzles to complete. To conduct these puzzles and to get the answers right, it took a massive amount of thinking to be done. Doing these puzzles allowed us to see how are minds approach complicated problems and how our minds get around them. The thinking process is a highly complicated process because it involves many steps. When a problem is given to me i read the problem in my head to make sure i have a complete understanding of the problem. This allows me to make sure im taking the right steps to solving the problem. I have found however when i am given a problem i dont understand or cant comprehend, my mind blanks and spaces out and this can get frustrating. Frustration alters the thinking process and can make one feel like they are not capable of solving the problem.
7th chunk
Feelings can be altered by many things. Wether its what ,mood you are in, what kind of people you are surounded by, or even what kind of day it is, your feelings can change. There are many different feelings that can be mixed together or be set upon you as one. Each feeling plays its own role on your outlook on that day and each day you can feel something different. You can never have one everlasting feeling because your mood will always change. No matter what anyone says, feelings alter your appearence and outlook on life.
