
Thursday, June 05, 2008

Revelation paper
A revelation is defined as “something revealed or disclosed esp. a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized”. In other words, a revelation is an event that occurs that opens one’s eyes to something they have been mistaken about. It is the step of taking the blindfold off of an individual and showing them the truth. Revelations have many aspects and elements to them each of them playing a major part in the person who is undergoing the revelation.
When a revelation occurs there is usually a revealer or a prophet that brings this message to the person’s attention. The prophet is usually a person or a message, that has experienced or illustrated things relating to this revelation before, or knows a lot about the subject. When an individual is first presented with a revelation they are not sure whether they want to believe what they are hearing, or not believe it. This is because the message that the revelation is revealing is something that the person was mistaken about. This is the stage where the profit or revealer has its strongest influence on the individual. The profit/revealer will travel deep into the persons mind and from there the person will decide whether the revelation will affect his or her life. Given this information, the individual undergoing this revelation usually will have a very strong relationship or bond (whether it be good or bad) with the prophet after the revelation is revealed. If the revelation is something that the individual will live by and change his or her life, that individual will be grateful towards the prophet. However, revelations are not always accepted. If that person undergoes a revelation and discovers something that they don’t want to accept, that person could potentially block out things such as revealers and prophets so other revelations like that wont affect their lives. The revealer or prophet does not always have to be a human however, because things such as dreams, omens, and other messages can cause a revelation.
People in the world today live with many different speculations, outlooks, and opinions on life. Therefore the way they live are based on these speculations. From the movie matrix directed by #### the main character neo is living in the regular world. His daily routine is very similar and as the days roll by, so does life. Nothing seems to be changing in the corrupt world he’s living in where the rich man gets paid and the working man gets played. Neo suddenly faces a revelation. He meets the prophet/revealer named Morpheus who tells Neo he can show him the truth behind the world he is living in. He warns him it won’t be pretty but Neo accepts the revelation. From then on the film takes Neo on a roller coaster ride where he experiences things he would have never fathomed of seeing. This revelation made Neo realize a lot of things and he could never live his life the same again. This revelation was a very important asset to his life because had he not encountered the revelation, he would’ve still been in the normal world blind-folded. This revelation changed Neo’s life and made him realize things he hadn’t seen before. “The Matrix is an interesting revelation story because in the end there are two prophets. In the end Neo is fully recognized as the One and he is capable of doing even more than Morpheus, his prophet, is capable of. This shows a sort of master, student relationship between prophets. Morpheus the master, taught Neo, the student. Later Neo becomes a prophet himself.”(CALVIN). As Calvin has stated here, the relationship between Morpheus and Neo change throughout the movie. First the relationship goes from Morpheus being the teacher and Neo being the disciple, to Neo being just as skilled and just as much of a prophet as Morpheus. Neo had taken off his blind fold and could now see the world through his own eyes…the “real world”. This revelation brought drastic change to Neo’s life and with the knowledge he had gained from it, he could move on to teach others just as Morpheus did for him.
In the book The Running Man by Stephen King, the main character Richard is living in a world completely ruled by the government. The streets are not taken care of, nor are the people. They live in run down buildings and poverty had swept throughout the whole country. Things such as curfews are set and the people have no real say in anything. The only way to make real money was to audition for the only game show on the only TV channel in the country. The game show was made to hurt and sometimes even kill people. This is what the government thought as entertaining. Throughout the book Richard goes through many revelations. His first revelation came about when his new born daughter got seriously ill. Since he and his wife could no longer afford to buy their daughters medicine, Richard came across a revelation and had to make a change. He couldn’t see his daughter die like this. He decided to go and audition for the game show so he could make some money to provide for his family, even if it meant he had to die doing it. With this revelation, Richard was his own prophet/revealer finding himself changing his life and putting himself at risk due to the circumstances. Richard then went on to get the audition for the game show in which he was told he was going to be chased by bounty hunters and every hour he stayed alive he would make more money. This was another revelation for Richard because when he was being told the game rules and what he was about to endure, he got himself physically and mentally prepared. This was life for him now and it was his turn to step up to the plate to make a change. He knew he had to stay alive and rack in the most money he could for his daughter’s sake and this made his drive and ambition stronger. As did Richard, many individuals can come across revelations without an actual revealer/prophet. Sometimes when one is in a certain situation or in need of a certain something, revelations are found individually and then affect that persons life. It seems as though when a person doesn’t have a revealer to bring about the revelation the choice between letting the revelation effect you or not isn’t there. This is because you have become your own profit and people usually listen to themselves and their first instincts.
In the movie They Live, the prophet is Nada who discovers the truth about the world he’s living in when he finds a box of sunglasses. When he puts them on, he sees the real messages behind big industrial, commercialized things such as advertisements, books, signs, etc. The ignorant mass includes everyone who tried to resist and those who are clueless as to what is actually happening in their world. In the movie, the cops and the wealthy people are the oppressors because they tried their best to stop the people who knew about the truth from spreading it to other people. When Nada looks at people like these, he sees ugly distorted humans. The look they had was almost like a virus and anyone who had fallen slave to the commercial world looked this way. The main message in the movie was that people are often blinded by money and the technology the society's really 'into'. As a result, they lose control over their life and actions; they end up risking everything just for these 'things' because they think it will make them happy.
A TV show on A&E called Intervention is a show with plenty examples of revelations. It is a show that focuses on people that are struggling with addictions and if the addictions don’t end, something bad will be bound to happen. In some cases its drugs, in some cases its alcohol, and in some cases it’s bad habits such as stealing, but revealers and prophets help these addicts out of their problems. In one case a heroin addict had denied his addiction problem for years until her finally hit rock bottom. He felt he had nothing to live for and nothing in the world left to care about. The show along with his family helped him realize that he does need serious help and that he did have something to live for. Revelations such as these help save peoples lives.
While taking this revelation course, I was asked to write a revelation story. The story had to have a prophet and a disciple (someone who was going through the revelation) and I wanted to make sure it would seem interesting. While choosing what to write about many revelations story ideas came to mind. So many came to mind in fact, I realized that everyone must go through at least one revelation a day. Not necessarily a revelation that will change your life for good but a revelation that is there for that moment in time and might influence you in a similar situation in the future. Now back to the making of my story. I wanted to make a story where the disciple learns the revelation himself, the hard way. I ended up writing a story about a young boy who gets caught up in the streets. He went from being a good student, basketball player, and his mother and fathers pride and joy to a gang banging, trouble making, drug dealer. The kid goes down the wrong path, hangs with the wrong crowd and only until he finds himself sitting locked up in a jail cell does he realize the mistakes he made. I feel that this was a good revelation story because the main character gets the revelation when it’s no longer any use to him. Since the main character went from one extreme (very good kid) to another (very bad kid) in a short amount of time it shows how revelations can be right in front of you the whole time but you cant see them until its too late. I felt by writing this story I showed myself how revelations cannot be taken seriously and/or not taken at all. In my story there was no Morpheus there to show the disciple the truth, in my story the disciple had to learn by himself.
In my life I have went through many different revelations. Some good, some bad. Some involving prophets, some I had to find out by myself. One revelation I came across by myself was when my baseball team lost in the playoffs. The three years prior to that season we had been division champions and went on to win the championship game. I was so accustomed to winning that when my team actually lost I was in a state of shock. I was so upset and it took a lot to calm me down. But one good thing that came out of the loss was the revelation I had. I learned that for one winning isn’t everything, and for two you can’t always win. This revelation helped me out in later years during competitive activities and helped me a lot with my sportsmanship skills. Had I not went through this process I would not have learned nor gained anything and I am happy I went through that revelation.
One revelation that did include a prophet was when I took a peak oil class and learned about industrialization. My teacher Andy definitely played the prophet role, because he opened my eyes to things I had never even thought of before. He brought to my attention the conflict of peak oil, he taught me about the industrial food system, and he even gave me information that made me stop eating one of my (then) favorite foods. This revelation opened so many doors for me and I truly feel that a blindfold was lifted from over my eyes. Without this revelation I wouldn’t have been aware of things that I am well aware of now and therefore wouldn’t be expanding my mind and imagination.
In conclusion revelations are things that make the world open their eyes. They are new ideas, thoughts, and statements that help the people of the world grow and expand. Without them I feel as if the world would be full of robotic people undergoing the same process day by day and not thinking anything of it. Revelations are needed for human growth and for new helpful ideas.