Descriptive Metaphor: The world and I have a relationship similar to a relationship of a landlords and a tenant. I say this because the world (landlord) is providing me with a place to live,eat,sleep, and perform other daily activities. I do however, have to respect the landlord and try not to do anything that would disrupt or harm the landlord. Pollution is like not paying the rent to a landlord because you may last a couple months like that but eventually the world is going to evict us all. We need to pay attention to the worlds needs as we do to ours if we want to save the earth and elude D-Day.
Normative Metaphor: Mother and her child also have a similar relationship to me and the world. I say this because the world was where civilization all started and has evolved over and over since then. Its kind of like the mother watching her child grow up and go through different phases (evolution).
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